Thursday, May 16, 2013

Cabo San Lucas

I just read my last blog post and I had to laugh because we had gone out a day early so as to avoid eating in a restaurant the night before a race.  Anyway, the next night, (Valentine's Day) we ended up eating at the compound restaurant because I was feeling lazy and didn't cook anything.  I have done that many times before a race because the food there is pretty basic depending on what you order.  I ordered chicken and boiled rice.  It's basically chicken breast pounded thin and cooked.  Nothing to worry about right? Wrong! I ended up waking up super early with food poisoning.  I was super bummed because the race was Ranco Farm which is my favorite race venue.  Anyway, I missed it but Matt went.  I spent the rest of the day on the couch feeling very unwell.  So bummed! Considering how often we have eaten there since we have been here and this was the only time I've ever gotten sick I guess it was bound to happen.  But I swore off chicken for at least a month after that!

In the meantime, I went home for a visit at the end of March.  Matt came out mid April and we arrived back in Saudi again about a week ago.

While we were home, we took a vacation and we went to Cabo San Lucas.  (mainly chosen because it is so close to So.Cal)  We stayed at the Las Ventanas and it was just the best vacation ever!

 This was our room.

 The outdoor living area with a telescope for whale watching.

A few shots from around the hotel.  Big surprise that we only left once!

 We tried to get our picture taken with the view in the background but clearly they didn't come out.
It was kind of funny because as we ate our dinner we noticed that everyone did that and no one's pictures came out.  Eventually we all had to turn around and take the picture from the other direction!
 Background is not nearly as nice but clearly the picture turned out a bit better!
 This was the view from our deck chairs outside our room.
 The other restaurant is behind me.
There were pools everywhere! Everyone was super nice.  Best vacation ever!

Now just a little something that I found funny.  Where ever I go I always like to eat in the Mexican restaurants if they have one.  Macau had one and it was not too bad.  Where we are in Saudi, there is a chain called El Chico that is not bad.  I think they have them in the States so it is pretty standard. I have a picture of El Chico here.  A couple of months ago though, we found a new Mexican restaurant called Amigos.  I think basically they went to a Mexican restaurant once and they thought... Oh yeah, we can replicate this!  

Here is the restaurant.  Complete with two doors.  One side for single men and the other side for families.  The restaurant was very dark and had the usual kitschy stuff strewn about.  However, the menu did have some "unique" items on it.  For example:

Basically just a wiener rolled up in a tortilla and topped with ketchup.  Mmmmmm.  And of course if you have a Mexican hotdog, there certainly must be....
 A Mexican burger of course!   

I, however, conservatively chose the tacos and this is what came to my table.
 That's just how my Mexican Grandma used to serve it up! Always with french fries!
Matt ordered the sampler plate so what we have here is a burrito along with a taco, underneath which there is an enchilada, and on the side that weird thing is supposed to be a chili relleno.  It looks a lot like an Arabic kibbeh that you would see in a hot meze sampler.  A kibbeh looks like this:
It's basically meat on the inside with maybe some pine nuts.  They are very good but I wouldn't expect to see one in a Mexican Restaurant.  Anyway, needless to say, it tasted about as good as it looks!

On the last night in Mexico, we went out to dinner at a local restaurant and the special that night was Chile relleno.  I ordered it and this is what came:

It was delicious!  No comparison.  Adios Amigos!!