Thursday, September 22, 2011

Souq Shopping in Riyadh

So it has been a few days since my last post.  This is because I am actually getting out more and getting a bit of a life.  Since Ramadan is over, I guess things have been getting back to normal and there are a lot more activities and buses which leave from the compound.  Also, it seems that a lot of people were on vacation during Ramadan and now they are all back.  Anyway, I have met a few people and I am having quite a good time.

On Monday, I took the bus from the compound to the Deira Souq.  It's not an actual city bus, but more of a private bus.  If the bus were packed, it could probably carry about 24 people.  We probably had less than half that.  Anyway, Deira Souq reminded me a bit of shopping in Zhuhai.  A lot of outdoor shops.  All selling different things.  There were stores for jewelry, furniture, clothes, nick nacks, you name it.
I took a few pictures but then kind of forgot.  I was having a good time and didn't exactly want to get left behind since it was a pretty big place and I had absolutely no idea where I was.
This is a picture of the 5 riyal store. I should have taken a picture of the front, but I didn't.  We didn't go in but it is basically just like the dollar store.  (Or in this case, $1.25)  Also very similar to the 10 mop store. (And yes Nicole, I know that it wasn't actually called the 10 mop store... but I don't remember the actual name of that store and you know exactly what store I am talking about!)
Not exactly the most fashionable clothing there...
More nick nacky stuff.

So, I didn't buy a whole lot.  But I did buy some pillow covers.  They look like this.
I bought 4 of them.  Still need to get the pillows to go inside, but that will probably be next week.  They cost 70 riyal.  That's about $18.50.  Did I mention that I am a horrible bargainer?  It's true. I will work on that.

Now there was one thing that I just couldn't resist buying.  I thought it was just too funny.  And a picture just wouldn't do it justice so I must post video.

And yes Andrea, I was thinking of Collin when I bought that, so lucky you! That is coming home to your house!  And you thought that the lucky ducks and the penguin shuffle were annoying!  Just a bit of a preview for you!

The next day we went to the second hand souq.  It was even crazier than the first souq.  Very dusty and dirty but good fun to see all the stuff.  I bought an abaya with pink rhinestone hearts all around the sleeves.  It probably previously belonged to a 13 year old girl, but I really kind of liked it.  I need to get it shortened but it was only 20 riyal which is about 5 bucks.  I probably overpaid, but seeing as how we paid 500 riyal for my other abaya, it still seemed like a bargain.

Anyway, I guess the place is humongous and there are different sections for different things.  We were in the clothing section.  Here is the only picture that I remembered to take.
Also, I bought a couple of dresses at the urging of my new friends... but that is definitely another post for another time.  Anyway, I just had the best time.  After we were done everyone showed what they bought on the bus.  And a few dust clouds went up as we took stuff out.  There is just no avoiding the sand around here.  Also, it was sooooo hot.  I was sweating like crazy. But good fun.

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