Sunday, June 24, 2012


Wow! How lazy have I been with the blog?  I guess... very.  I could claim to have been very busy... but that is probably not completely true.  But, since the last blog post was at the beginning of March... I guess, I need to catch up.

At the end of March I went back home for a quick visit and a vacation.  It all seemed so hurried and I barely got to see anybody.  But, I did manage to get in a quick race in Carlsbad.  It was only a 5K since at that point I was still having difficulty with the (now officially diagnosed) ITBS.  We did the Carlsbad 5000.  It really hurt, but I finished in just under 30 minutes.  Not my best time, but considering I had to stop a few times to shake out my leg, I was OK with it.

Andrea on the other hand did really well.  Notice that she is wearing a medal in the picture!
Way to go Andrea!!

After that, Matt came and we headed off to Bermuda via New York.  I must say Bermuda was one of the most beautiful places that I have ever seen!  When we got in it was dark so we really couldn't see anything, but once I woke up, I went out onto the deck and this was the view.  
Amazing, I tell you.  We ate breakfast out on the deck every morning for a week and it never got old.  

 The whole island was just beautiful everywhere we went.  But the hotel/ resort was just amazing.

 This was the family pool.
 This was where our hotel room was.  We had the top corner room... hence the amazing view.
This was the pool and part of the golf course... not that we golfed... but we did swim every day.
 And this was the beach club.
 And the beach.

 That's Matt in the red shorts.  He went in.  The beach water was COLD.
 But the beach club had a heated pool if the ocean was too cold!
Freaking amazing I tell you! I have never seen anything like it.  

And while we were there we did leave the hotel and head into town.  You can't rent a car there but there are plenty of taxi's and you can rent a scooter which we did for a  couple of days.  
 Here is Matt with the scooter.

 I think he looks a little bit like this guy from the Flintstones.  I believe they called him the Great Gazoo.
 We took the scooter to see this lighthouse.  
 This is the view from the top.
 This was the city of Hamilton.  We went there quite a bit.  It's right in the center of the island.
 We also went to see some caves.

 It was 100% humidity inside there.   Can you tell??

And that was our trip to Bermuda.  It was gorgeous and I had a great time... but I really don't feel any need to ever go back there again.  But you never do know!!

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