Saturday, December 28, 2013

See ya later, Saudi!

This was supposed to be a relaxing year.  When it came time to renew the contract, we decided that it may be nice to just hang out for one more year and not have to stress about moving somewhere new and starting a new job.  Of course, as soon as Matt signed the new contract he started getting contacted by headhunters.  Not a bad thing, but certainly not great timing.  Also, these interviews go on for weeks, then if you get a job offer, the negotiations turn the whole process into about 3 months.

So, first up there was an offer from Jakarta.  We went over it a million times! It all sounded well and good but something about it did not feel right.  Also, when I looked it up, I found one report where it ranked number 2 in the worst places to live as an expat.  (Riyadh ranked number 3!!) Factoring in worse air quality and (I find it hard to believe...) worse traffic?? Anyway, I was not eager to pack my bags just yet.  In the end, Matt turned it down. And then of course, second guessed that decision for months!

Next up, Xi' an, China.  This one sounded very interesting.  And after about 3 months worth of interviews and contract negotiations we decided to go to China.  With the contracts signed, we kept quiet until we were sure that Matt's work visa would go through.  So then Matt had to resign from his current job, which he did, giving the required 3 months notice.

During this time was when his Dad got sick and we went to Germany for three weeks.  When we returned, Matt's current company offered him a position in Vancouver Canada which despite having already signed contracts with China, we absolutely had to consider.

I must say, although I really do enjoy the expat lifestyle, it can be really exhausting and stressful.  The thought of going to Canada sounded like a really nice break.  And Vancouver? I hear the quality of life there is amazing.  Also, it's so close to home.  It would be such a short flight! No more 30 hour travel times!

So we went back and forth a million more times.  Meanwhile, I had to book my flight home because of my marathon plans and we still didn't know where we were going! It was nice that we had two really fantastic choices to consider but that really didn't make it any easier.  So one morning (about 2 days before I was scheduled to fly out) we went to breakfast at the compound restaurant and made a pro con list and we decided that we simply had to choose Canada.  I expected a feeling of relief to wash over me but it never happened.  I started packing my bags for Canada.  Of course by that evening, we both said, "You know, I don't think Canada is the right choice."  And, after much more discussion we were back on China, and I started repacking my bags.

So when I left Riyadh, we were still on China but Matt had still not yet turned down Canada.  And so, even though many, many people thought we were crazy for turning it down, eventually he did turn down Canada.  It's official, we are going to China!!  In fact, Matt is currently on a flight for China right now!  See ya later Saudi!!

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