Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Apartment

Before I left, Matt sent me some pictures of the compound apartment.  It looked nice enough but for some reason everything looked pink.  I know that I showed the pictures to a lot of people and pretty much everyone thought that it was weird that it was all pink.  Well good news!  It was Matt's blackberry... not the apartment.  For some reason the pictures just looked pink.  When I got there, everything was just normal colors.  Regular wood and tiles.  I took some more pictures, because while I did show them to a lot of people, well I know that I didn't show them to everyone.  So here they are. This is our current apartment.
This is the patio where you walk in.  There is a little gate there but we never close it.  Screen door still off.  Must be broken.  Also notice the two dead palms there.  Bad Feng Shui if I ever saw it... but will worry about it later.
This is the room that you walk into from the front door.  See all the wood is just regular wood color.  Through the little archway is the TV room. 
Up close in the TV room.  Nothing to exciting.  Pretty plain.
Bedroom.  You can kinda see me in the mirror.  Hi!
The bed.  Nothing too exciting.  Still haven't been to the IKEA! Definitely needs a little color.  
Kitchen is actually quite large.  Didn't get the whole thing in the pic.  Also includes a washer dryer.  Love that since I had to use the laundry room in Sacramento... (Three flights of steps each way.)  Anyway, again, this is our current apartment.  Matt was actually eligible for a larger apartment but there just wasn't one available at the time, and yes, I pretty much insisted on being in the compound.  I mean really, can you blame me?  

Recently another apartment became available.  This place is a two bedroom with 1 and a half baths.  Currently we are in a 1 bedroom 1 bath.  I am totally looking forward to the extra bedroom and extra bathroom.  (When I arrived, Matt had pretty much completely spread out and was using all of the drawer space and most of the closet.)  Looking forward to getting my own space.  I am also looking forward to dropping my roommates.  
This only shows one of them... but the other day I saw that there were two!!  I was just getting used to the one and all of a sudden I see two of them running along the walls.  It was disturbing to say the least.  They seem to be living in the air conditioner. The other day I was sitting on the couch, and I heard a plop noise and it was a tiny little lizard plopping down to the ground from the AC.  I am thinking that he actually looked smaller than the other two... but I am hoping that I am wrong... because that would mean that there are three of those little guys and that is just something that I don't want to think about.  I mean, what if those two are having babies in the AC??  I don't even want to turn it on for fear of what the heck could come out of there.  

We aren't moving until Friday... which can't get here soon enough as far as I am concerned but I did get to see the new place and I took some pictures of that as well.  It actually looks a little smaller but it has a much more usable space.  

This is the downstairs part.  Smaller than the current apartment but we have a lot of wasted space there. 

 The kitchen.  Totally blurry.  Sorry. Can't retake till Friday.  Looks similar but smaller.

 Downstairs half bath.  May not be exciting to you... but super exciting to me!!
 Washer dryer in the kitchen.  I kind of like the way this is laid out better.  More folding space.  Not that I am really folding much laundry... but there is space for it if I feel like it!
 Master Bedroom with king size bed.
 Both bedrooms have furniture that looks like this.  Means I get my own drawers finally!! Again, exciting for me.

Upstairs full bath.  The old bathroom was white.  Kind of like this one better.  

So that is where I am currently living and where I am going to be living.  I am hoping that my little room mates don't try and tag along in my luggage.  Also, Ramadan ends today!  It is currently something called Eid.  There were fireworks last night.  I could see them when I walked outside my door.  Now the Ramadan hours are going to end and maybe I can go to the IKEA.  


  1. The apt upgrade will be awesome! How is it going there? Getting accustomed to the new location? Do you like the compound and neighbors you have? I've been checking your updates and looking for more to come!

    ps.. try pulling the tail of the lizard when they attack you =)


  2. Hi Marian! So far it has been really quiet due to Ramadan. I'm told that a lot of people are on vacation right now. I just signed up for a running club with the first run starting on the 8th. We will see how that goes! And I am trying not to touch the lizards... but if they triple team me then I will start yanking tails!

  3. It looks quite cozy! It does need your personal touch and lots of color!
    Are you gonna cook?
    Take care!

  4. How do you get by without the air conditioner being turned on? Hope the bed is not under the air conditioner.


  5. Hi Gina! I cook on occasion. (Rare occasion)

    And each room has its own AC and they all work pretty well. If I ran them all, I would be freezing. I just run the one in the middle room. Anyway, we have since moved out of that apartment and another guy is moving in today. I left the lizards for him!
