Monday, August 8, 2011

Fast Food

This is just a quick one about something I noticed while walking through the mall food court. Basically, they seem to have all of the same fast food establishments that we have.  I am noticing a lot of Baskin Robbins, tons of Burger King, and of course... America's favorite... Mc  Donald's.  I took a couple of pictures while I was in the mall.
Look, I am getting better at this.  I figured out how to enlarge the pictures!  Anyway, obviously this is Auntie Anne's pretzels, and to the right you can see the Pizza Hut Express.  Just FYI behind the pretzels is the Subway but you can't really see it.
Look, even bigger!  Here we have the Dunkin Donuts, the Baskin Robbins, and that red one on the end is actually the Cheesecake Factory.  (I've never seen a Cheesecake Factory stand before.)  I'm going to need that last one like I need a hole in the head.  Anyway, the one that I really found amusing was this one.
I know, you're thinking... Danielle... you have already shown us a picture of Mc Donalds.  Besides, they are on every street corner in America!  What is so interesting about the Mc Donalds??? Well, you need to look a little closer.  In fact, I can't believe that I didn't notice this the first time.  We will zoom in so that you can see what I am talking about.
Now I know it's blurry, but I lost the cable to my actual camera again so until I get another one... or another camera my Ipod photos will have to do.  I would like to draw your attention to the two red signs on either side while still noticing the partition down the middle.  There is a ladies section and a mens section. Separated of course, by a partition.  From what I have seen so far, Mc Donald's seems to be the only one doing this. There is a man at both registers so I am assuming that it is only so that you don't have to line up with members of the opposite sex.  I just thought that this was too funny.  Had to share.  Also, I was so caught up in the separate sections that I forgot to check the pie!  I always check to see what the pie is at McDonald's when I go somewhere new.  (In Macau they had red bean pies... and for a limited time they had banana.) I guess that I will just have to save that update for another post!

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