Saturday, October 1, 2011

Another Party and More Visits from Grandma

Last Thursday we went to another Embassy Party.  This one had a business dress code that specifically said no jeans.  I went with a black dress and black shoes.  I had brought the dress with me from home.  I really haven't purchased all that much here in the way of clothing, but I have the feeling that I will probably be purchasing a lot less black now seeing as how I have to wear black every time I go out.  Still, I would say about 50 percent of the women at the party went with the little black dress.  It's always a safe bet.

This crowd was a bit older, and a bit more reserved.  It was not as fun as the last party but the food was very good and there was quite a lot of it.  (So none of the same problems as with the last party.)  We met some new people and since it was a business type party, everyone was talking, well... business.  As a result, there were a couple of people who were more than willing to offer their help with tips as to where to find a job.  Truth be told, currently I am not looking all that hard.  Also, this time we hired a driver and we made it back home in 30 minutes.  A lot shorter than the almost 2 hours that Matt took last time. (Although I must say... driving around these parts is very confusing.)

Anyway, it was a really good hair day for me, hence my new profile pic.  This was what I wore.

Now, I did realize as I put it on that this was the exact same dress that I wore to my grandma's funeral.  I probably even wore the same shoes, and I know that I wore the same necklace.  (I left the little white sweater at home though... not necessary as it was still about 85 to 90 degrees at night.)

Since cameras and cell phones are not allowed inside and you have to walk through metal detectors as well, I have no more pictures from the party, and like I said, it was fun but nothing great.

So back to Grandma.  For anyone who just started reading... before my Grandma died, she asked if she could visit me after she passed on.  Since, my Grandma is the least scary person that I could ever think of and was just the best grandma in the whole world I said "OK." Anyway, we agreed that when she was visiting, she would come back as a hummingbird, so if I saw a hummingbird, I would know that it was her paying me a visit. Here in Saudi Arabia, hummingbirds are not exactly native to this part of the country.  I have yet to see an actual hummingbird, however, pictures and models of them pop up all over the place.

Another place that I continue to see them is on TV and while watching movies.  There is this episode of "According to Jim" (I hate that show but they always seem to have it for some reason) where his girls are playing on a basketball team called the hummingbirds. Their shirts all have pictures of hummingbirds.  Over the last couple of months, I have been flipping through the channels and that episode seems to be on a lot.  I have seen it at least 4 times.  Well, not the whole episode, just the part where they are all running around in the shirt.

Sometimes it is a little more subtle.  I was watching a movie called "Lars and the Real Girl," (really good movie, I highly recommend it) and there was a scene where they were standing in the kitchen and they had a stained glass hummingbird hanging in the window.  I simply noticed it.  Another time, I was watching the movie Cowboys and Aliens.  I personally thought that the movie looked stupid but I really do like that Daniel Craig and so I agreed to watch the movie.  Matt fell asleep and even Daniel Craig could not make that movie watchable.  So after Matt went up to bed, I left the movie running and started flipping through the TV channels.  I found something more interesting to watch a basically forgot about the movie.  When I later remembered, I switched back to the movie and it seemed like it was getting close to the ending.  I had been watching for about 2 minutes and was getting ready to take the movie out when a scene came up where Daniel Craig walked into some partially demolished building and a hummingbird flew down through a hole in the ceiling and flew around in front of his face and then flew out again.  I really don't think that is was entirely a coincidence that I tuned in for only that part of the movie.  (Again, I didn't watch the full movie, so if hummingbirds were flying around all over the movie and I just missed them... well, humor me.)

Most recently, however, I think that I got my favorite hummingbird yet.  Grandma always did like to laugh and she had an excellent sense of humor.  This last hummingbird came via the Chelsea Handler Show.  (I was a little surprised to see that they had that show since she can be a little raunchy, but I find her hilarious.)  Anyway, it was during the segment where she has a panel of three guests  and she gives them topics to discuss and they all sit around and crack jokes about said topic.  Apparently there was a guy who stuck a hummingbird down his pants and possibly up his bum (to coin a British phrase.)  The four of them just kept going on and on about this and they had a picture of a humming bird up next to a picture of a guy with his hands down his pants.  Anyway, it was on for so long that I was able to grab my iPod, find the camera app and take a picture before they switched to another topic.  So here it is for your viewing pleasure.
I can't remember the exactly what was said... but it was funny.  So basically, Grandma is still around and if you didn't sign up to get your own personal sign before she died, go ahead and use mine.  I can share!


  1. Does this mean that Grandma is in your pants?

  2. My friend I love reading your blogs. The only thing is that you dont do it that often sooooooo please, please and please.... WRITE some more <3
    By the way. ..I am planning my daughters quincianera 2012 october
    Hope you are here:)
    Hummingbird is always around my sister and she always says its mOm .
    I havs always believed her. So when you talk about it , i also believe
    And sigh. Miss her.

  3. @Dawn~ Now that you mention it, I believe the caption was "Hummingbird in Angry Man's pants," So no, not my pants...

    @Gina~ I miss you my friend! Since I have a years notice, I will definitely try to make sure that I am in town!
