Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Second place, but it feels like first!!

When we decided to come to Saudi Arabia, I was excited, but a little apprehensive.  I came here thinking that it would be an interesting experience, but I honestly never thought that would really like it all that much.  I must say that I been very pleasantly surprised.  I am just having so much fun.  There is so much to see here around town and even the most simple things seem way more interesting here.  Also, we keep ending up at these shops that are just so much fun.  For example, at the latest souk that we went to there was a shop that sold all kinds of rhinestone jewelry and that included tiaras! Back when I used to work at Magic World, I used to wear a tiara almost every day at work.  Gotta love a job that lets you wear a tiara every day if you want to.  Anyway, these shops looked to be wholesale shops and the selection was huge!

Here is a small sample of what we saw.
 Lots of necklaces and jewelry sets.  I got a pair of the most perfect earring to go along with my Halloween costume.  (To be revealed later.)
 This was a bunch of hair accessories and things like that.  Would be pretty cool if you needed 2 dozen headbands or a thousand rubber bands or a couple a hundred barrettes or something like that.
This was my favorite part.  The tiaras.  It's hard to see them but there were tons!  I can't believe that I didn't buy one.  I don't know what I was thinking.  Clearly, I wasn't.  One can always find somewhere to wear a tiara.

Also, while we were walking along the streets we saw the most interesting old buildings.

So many interesting things to see.

Anyway, last night was Ladies Night at the compound restaurant.  The idea was to wear your most outrageous Arabian outfit.  We all scoured the second hand souk for the winning dress.  We made our selections and had them altered to fit.  Finally the night arrived.

There was much preparation for such a night.
 Here is Crystal putting the final touches on Tiffany's hairdo.  (There are 2 toilet paper rolls in there.)
 Here is me "before" my lovely transformation.
Almost ready!  Just need makeup.  Turns out that Crystal is very good at these things!
Here we are afterwards.  Like I said, you can always find somewhere to wear a tiara! Luckily Crystal's daughter had a tiara that she agreed to loan me for the evening.  She was also very generous with her purses. (I only had one toilet paper roll in my hair)

After our transformations were complete, we went off to the restaurant to see what everyone else had chosen to wear.  Now, there were other pictures taken, but since these people don't yet know about my blog, I would hate to have them just show up in it so I just don't feel like I can post any of the other pictures.  Just know that there were 22 ladies that showed up and we all had a little fashion show and then a vote.  And the winner was.... Tiffany!!  Isn't she lovely?  She truly deserved to win.  Also, the dress weighed a ton.  Now there was some pretty stiff competition between these dresses but I think the key point was that we had Crystal doing our hair and makeup, which clearly cinched the title.  Did I mention that Crystal won the contest last year?  After Tiffany was awarded the prize (a box of chocolates) it was asked who came in second place.  A quick recount of the votes revealed that it was in fact me!  But you see, when you wear a crown to begin with, in all the pictures it looks like I am the winner!  (I was thinking ahead!)
Anyway, if for some reason Tiffany can't uphold the duties of Miss Saudi Princess, well I am right there in line to take over!  (I'm pretty sure that the chocolates will be gone by then though!)  I come with my own crown! (and toilet paper roll!)

And that is what is going on in Saudi this week!!

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