Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Phoning in the Hot Springs.

Someone has gotten lazy with the blog and I am pretty sure that it's me.  I have been back for quite some time now and I never did finish up my trip.  There was one day left so I think that I am just gonna phone this one in so that I can move on to my next blog post which has absolutely nothing to do with my trip.

So day 4 was the Hot Springs.  We stayed at the Evason Ma'In.  It was fabulous.  A very nice way to end the trip.  Here are the pics.

 The hot springs are located down in a valley and it was quite a drive to get to.  We arrived just as the sun was setting so we stopped to take a picture.
 Here is the view of the hotel from above.  It really was in the middle of nowhere.
 This is a picture of the spa from up above.
This was one of the waterfalls in the public area.  (Oh and lots of burkini's here.)

We probably arrived here at about 5ish.  There wasn't a whole lot daylight left but we did take a walk down to the public areas to use the ATM and check out the hot spring areas.  After a full morning of walking around Petra, Matt had decided that he was done walking and wanted to go hang out in the spa.  I had my eye on the gym since there hadn't been one in the Marriot the night before.  We agreed to meet up around 8ish.  Two hours later we were both much happier and ready for dinner which was delicious.

The next morning we had spa appointments at 10.  Not wanting to waste any of my time, I was up at 7 to have coffee on the balcony.  Then down to breakfast where there was a view of another waterfall.

I think this was the view straight off our balcony.
A little outdoor movie theater. 

Me walking down to the spa to get my massage. 

This is the pool at the spa.  The waterfalls were 38 degrees celsius and the pool was 42 celsius.  The little archway at the back was a natural sauna.  Nice, but you had to stand up in there.  Also I had been steamed enough at the Movenpick.

It was so nice to go from a nice relaxing massage into the nice hot pool.  Amazing. I didn't want to go but unfortunately checkout time was at noon and our flight was leaving at 4 and we still had to drive back to the airport so leave we did.  Was a lovely trip.

On the flight back there was this little girl who just kept staring at Matt the whole flight.  It was so funny.  I took her picture and I laugh every time I look at it.  It made the short flight seem just a little bit longer.  Could we possibly have been Giometti'd?? (Did I use it correctly or is it only when the airlines themselves mess up?)

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