Saturday, December 24, 2011


Someone in Saudi once commented that all Americans live in Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks.  While I have never set foot in a D and D (and there used to be one right around the corner from my house in Vegas) the Starbucks comment is pretty much true for me.  In fact, the second day I was home I got a Starbucks in the Target and I thought... Ahhhh, home!

And other than visiting the Starbucks on a daily basis, I have also been visiting as many of my friends and family as possible.  Bummed that I have missed some people, but it can't be helped.  Especially when I am trying to fit in as much running as possible.  Gotta love the Rosebowl for running! A three mile loop that requires no turns anywhere and has several optional hills.

While here I entered 2 races.  The first was a last minute decision but I was glad that I did it.  It was the Burbank Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving.  I did the 10K.  It was really cold that morning (53 degrees).  There was also a little drizzle but nothing too bad.  I did pretty well and ran a 9 minute mile.  I finished in 55:11.

My second race was a half marathon that I had planned on beforehand.  In fact, I thought that I had done all kinds of planning for it beforehand but evidently it was not enough!! I showed up in Oxnard and picked up my race packet at the hotel and found out that I was number 666!  Ah, the luck of the draw.  The next morning, even though I had driven to the parking area the night before I still missed the shuttle. I saw the last one leaving as I pulled in.  This could definitely not be good.  Although I saw a couple of other runners looking around as well, so I was not the only one this happened to.  The problem was that I now had to go find the start of the race.  It was the Santa to the Sea run from Oxnard to Channel Islands Harbor so I knew I was looking for the giant Santa that you can see from the freeway.  Also the road closures helped too.  Either way, as I was driving down to the start, of course I got lost and when I finally figured it out I was able to see the runners all running over the overpass just as I was driving underneath it.  By the time I finally found the start, I was at least 10 minutes late and they were starting to break down the starting line.  Even still, I was not alone.  There was another guy there starting as well which was nice because there were no runners or walkers anywhere visible from where we were.  We both made sure that we crossed over the official starting point so that our chip timers would be activated and off we went!  We were talking, but it was pretty clear that he had a  much faster pace than I did so I quickly realized that I was starting off way too fast.  He was trying to be nice and stay with me till we could see the other runners but I remembered that I had forgotten to start up my Nike+  so I wished him luck and sent him on his way.  Once I made it onto the bridge overpass I was able to see the walkers so I knew that I would be fine.  I got into what felt like a decent pace and just started passing people.  First the walkers, then the jog walkers, then the joggers.  At mile four I had caught up with the 2:30 pacer.  I tried to do the math in my head and figure out my pace, but I just figured screw it and carried on still steadily passing people.  I passed the halfway point at 1:09.  I figured that I had started out at least 10 minutes late... so I figured .... pretty good if I can keep it up!  Around mile 9 I passed the 2:20 pace group and was still steadily passing people.  I never did catch the 2:10 pace group.  Probably because my official time was 2:13. My Nike+ said 2 hours even and 16 seconds.  I went back later to the start and measured in my car that I had gone exactly a quarter of a mile before I started my Nike+.  I figure I was running an 8 minute mile at the start (too fast) so it was probably about two minutes.  Anyway, the best that I figure it I finished between 2:02 at best and 2:05 at worst.  I will never know because there is no actual chip time for me.  I was THAT LATE!  Still considering that my first half marathon in October of 2010 my time was 2:49:04 and my second one 6 weeks later was 2:42:33... I am really happy with 2:05!!

But it hasn't all been running!  There was some time for Vegas! Of course... what happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas!  (Actually I just think no one can actually remember the next day...)  This is my friend Tamika!

Here are my mom and stepdad looking at the California "snow."
While it looked like snow it was actually just bubbles blown off the roof of the Americana.  I have to laugh at all the little Californian kids running around all excited about the "snow." Gotta love the So Cal weather.

Oh, and in case anyone was wondering what happened to the possessed camel, I have a little video of that.  There were two.  The first one was Collin dancing.  This one was much funnier.

Gotta love that kid.  Also, before he went to bed he asked, "Is it OK if I leave this out here?" Yeah, no one wants a stuffed animal that's eyes blaze red in the middle of the night.  Also note, the handful of stuff in his hands at the end of the video is the stuffing from the camel.  (Not the most expensive present!)

Also went to my Dad's Christmas party.  That's my sister and my daughter.  Dawn got tarps!! Super excited, can't you tell?? Nicole and the rest of us thought it was funny.

Also got to hang out with my friend Gina.  Love that girl!! Miss you already!

And got to hang out with many others but we forgot to take pictures or just didn't bother! Wish I could have gotten to everyone but I should be back again in Aprilish.  Anyway, leaving today to go back home?  I guess so!  Happy Holidays!!

1 comment:

  1. It was wonderful to see you my dear friend. Miss you!!!! Be happy and I will always pray for you ! Love you!
