Thursday, February 9, 2012

Saying, "See you later!"

Clearly I am not nearly as into this blog as I was before I left to go home.  I think it has something to do with going home and seeing everyone and actually telling them all the things going on here that makes me feel like I have said all I need to say.  That being said, those who know me well, know that I can go on and on talking about nothing in particular sooo.....

Here is what has been going on in Saudi.  For starters I am extremely sad to say that Crystal and her family have left and moved on to bigger and better things. (And definitely colder weather brrrrr)  We tried to spend as much time with her as possible before she left.  She is beautiful and fabulous and will be greatly missed!  And if you ever miss her too, well here is a little clip of her at her going away party so you can watch and remember.  (Note* You may want to turn the volume down a notch!)

The tree was something that she really wanted but just couldn't bring herself to buy.  (I'm sure that you can see why.)  Here is a pic of her later with the tree after she brought it home and filled it up with dates.  It's quite useful really, we are all thinking of buying one next time we are in the souk!

You are missed my dear!!!
And one last picture of Crystal deciding on a carpet just before the most amazing negotiations I have ever had the privilege to witness.  I should have taken video.  She was AMAZING!  I couldn't believe it when the man said, "You win!" Especially since about a dozen men had gathered outside the souk to watch.  I will remember it always! (Although I am almost certain I will never replicate it!)

In other news, Tiffany and I were shopping the other day and came across some more pool toys.  Remember this pic?
 I am specifically referring to the woman with, what I thought looked like some sort of bone. It had really bothered me.  What is that woman carrying?  Well, apparently (and luckily I might add) the woman colorer inner at Saco got a bit lazy and this is what I saw there.

It was an arm!  I'm not sure if anyone else was wondering... but I was, so I thought I would post just in case it was keeping anyone up nights.  

And, well, here are a couple of more shots from Saco. 

How would you like to see them coming up on you while you are playing in your pool? I also found that you can use tape to cover up offensive parts.  I was looking for a hair straightener in Danube and the faces of the women on the boxes were taped over.  But, that is neither here nor there.  

Moving on to my favorite topic... Running! We are currently at just over 3 weeks to the marathon! I am super excited and super nervous! I have been going over my schedule and reading about tapering and everyone says something different.  I have a one half marathon and then I am planning one last 20 miler before I taper.  Some say to start the taper at 4 weeks but I am pretty sure that is for people doing really high mileage which I am not really doing.  These last weeks I have been doing around 35 miles per week.  When I first got back I did an 18 mile run and I was so tired and jet lagged that I could only do about 11 on the street and did the last 7 on the treadmill.  Time was 3 hours 40 minutes.  A week later I did a 20 miler on the street and it took 3 hours 50 minutes. I was still completely knackered but I was OK.  But just last week I did another 18 miles on the street and it only took me 3 hours 15 minutes and I felt quite good afterwards and even better the next day so there must be something to this whole training thing.  I will see how I feel after the next 20 but I think I am going to be OK!   I will definitely finish! 

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to get our container and check if our brand new gorgeous "palm tree snack server" arrives safely in Switzerland! :)
    Lots of love, miss you
