Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Usual, but with Goats and Needles!

The running season in Saudi Arabia runs from September through March.  This being February, things have been in full swing.  In fact, we have had three weeks in a row of races.  The first one was a 30K that I missed because my driver couldn't find the compound. (Was disappointed at the time but it was probably a good thing.) The second race was a week later.  It was a charity half marathon and Tiffany's first half marathon distance!  It was very hot.  About 85 degrees with zero shade on a bit of a confusing and repetitive course. (Confusing because we weren't clear on where the race ended...)  We ran together and Tiffany did fabulously! Here is a picture of us.

I think this may have been lap 5 of 6.  It was the only section of the race where there was any cheering.  It was a bit of a lonely race since a lot of people didn't finish and those who did were some serious folks.  I believe that we were on lap 4 when the winner was coming down the finish which meant we still had four miles to go. (At least this clarified where the race ended.)  I look a little goofy here... I don't normally swing my arms like that ... I blame the cheering. Still, we finished and a couple of days later Tiffany did make a mention of doing another one so it's all good!  Well done Tiffany!!! You're fabulous!!

Since this was a charity race, it had nothing to do with our running group and therefore the following week there was another race scheduled.  (That's 3 weeks in a row.)  Oh, and did I mention that I did my final 20 miler 2 days after the half?  My logic behind doing it this way was that I was already tired and so therefore this training would be more like running the end of the marathon. (Running while tired.) It makes sense right?  Regardless, it's done.  But, it took 4 hours!  The week before, I ran 18 miles in 3 hours 15 minutes but that was when I was somewhat rested and ready for a race.  Still, after finishing the last 20, I felt certain that I could finish the marathon.  Not necessarily with any great time, but I definitely felt confident about finishing. That is, until yesterday. We had a 10 mile race at a venue that I was familiar with. I was not planning on trying to beat my previous time but I was still planning on giving my last good effort.  It was a hilly course that I had run back in January with NO PROBLEMS!

It was two laps of 5 miles each.  Should have been no problem.  The first lap was no problem.  When I passed the clock I could see that I was about 2 minutes off of my previous time.  No worries.  So, when I was running the second lap and I saw this coming towards me, I stopped to take a video.
I sound kind of weird because I was half laughing and half breathing heavy. It was just too funny to have this happen.  You just don't see that every day!

So anyway, as you can see, I wasn't exactly pressing things on this race.  I continued on, but when I started back up again I kind of noticed a weird feeling in my right knee along the outside.  It felt a bit like it needed to pop but it didn't.  So I slowed down but continued.  It didn't really hurt, just felt a bit uncomfortable.  So then I got to the hill and I stopped to stretch a bit but couldn't really work out the kink so I just headed up.  I got to the top of the first hill and felt a bit off and I could see the early turnoff coming up so I started thinking about quitting and I was torn between being somewhere that I could run the ten miles I had scheduled somewhere outside the compound and not wanting to hurt myself before the marathon.  Also, I really love hills.  Don't know why, just do! So I slowed down and kept running.  I went about ten feet past the turnoff and decided not to risk it and I turned back and took a shortcut back.  I walked a bit and then tried to jog and felt some pain but nothing I was too worried about.  It didn't hurt to walk but every time I started to jog it was very uncomfortable.  I made it back and wasn't too worried.  I iced when I got home and rested the rest of the day.  Stairs seemed to be a problem but I still wasn't too worried about it.  Until I woke up this morning and it felt really stiff and I was walking funny and it hurt! 

So I did the whole RICE thing, (rest, ice, compression, elevate) but it still hurt.  I am two weeks out from the marathon.  All of the heavy training is done.  I did two 18 mile runs and two 20 mile runs.  I feel fine with my training but right now I am walking funny, and it is not funny!! 

So, I haven't been to the doctor in Saudi and I was hoping that I wouldn't have to ever go.  So I went online to see if there was an alternative solution in the area.  A couple of years ago, I had some good results using acupuncture when I got injured so I looked it up and there just happens to be a clinic in the area.  I called and they said to come in and see the doctor and they would see what they think I should do.  

So we went, and it was a Chinese doctor with a translator.  After explaining the situation, the doctor said that she could do acupuncture.  She wants me to do 10 sessions in 10 days and hopefully that works.  Actually the phrase that the translator used was, "In shaa'Allah"  Basically this means God willing.  They use this phrase a lot here. So if they say that you can pick something up on Saturday In Shaa'Allah then  maybe it will be ready, and maybe it won't! It's probably best to call first before making the trip out there! So, maybe this will work and maybe it won't but I always love trying an "alternative treatment" first.  

It's a bit costly, so we decided to try one session first.  Here are the pics!
 The ones in the hands hurt like CRAZY!
 These hurt too but not as bad as the hand.  Matt said that they went in like an inch. 
He was very surprised when she pulled them out.
After the needles they did some cupping.  I think there were 6 cups in all.  A couple were on my back.  She was lighting something on fire inside them and then sticking them all over me and when the oxygen gets used up they suck onto the skin.  It didn't hurt but it felt really weird.  Anyway, the whole thing was really kind of cool! The knees still hurt (because the other one started hurting after walking all funny because of the original injury) but we will see what happens next.  I still have two weeks till the marathon so hopefully this goes away! Otherwise I don't quite know what I will do.  I mean, I made it through the whole training and now this?? Anyway, I am going to bed now and hopefully I will feel a little better tomorrow!  In Shaa'Allah!


  1. I am praying for you now. I know much this means to you so God will make it happen. Please follow your instinct regarding care. Love you:)

  2. I am in pain just reading this.

  3. I'm feeling much better now! Going back for more acupuncture soon though! I think I have it under control now.
