Saturday, December 24, 2011


Someone in Saudi once commented that all Americans live in Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks.  While I have never set foot in a D and D (and there used to be one right around the corner from my house in Vegas) the Starbucks comment is pretty much true for me.  In fact, the second day I was home I got a Starbucks in the Target and I thought... Ahhhh, home!

And other than visiting the Starbucks on a daily basis, I have also been visiting as many of my friends and family as possible.  Bummed that I have missed some people, but it can't be helped.  Especially when I am trying to fit in as much running as possible.  Gotta love the Rosebowl for running! A three mile loop that requires no turns anywhere and has several optional hills.

While here I entered 2 races.  The first was a last minute decision but I was glad that I did it.  It was the Burbank Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving.  I did the 10K.  It was really cold that morning (53 degrees).  There was also a little drizzle but nothing too bad.  I did pretty well and ran a 9 minute mile.  I finished in 55:11.

My second race was a half marathon that I had planned on beforehand.  In fact, I thought that I had done all kinds of planning for it beforehand but evidently it was not enough!! I showed up in Oxnard and picked up my race packet at the hotel and found out that I was number 666!  Ah, the luck of the draw.  The next morning, even though I had driven to the parking area the night before I still missed the shuttle. I saw the last one leaving as I pulled in.  This could definitely not be good.  Although I saw a couple of other runners looking around as well, so I was not the only one this happened to.  The problem was that I now had to go find the start of the race.  It was the Santa to the Sea run from Oxnard to Channel Islands Harbor so I knew I was looking for the giant Santa that you can see from the freeway.  Also the road closures helped too.  Either way, as I was driving down to the start, of course I got lost and when I finally figured it out I was able to see the runners all running over the overpass just as I was driving underneath it.  By the time I finally found the start, I was at least 10 minutes late and they were starting to break down the starting line.  Even still, I was not alone.  There was another guy there starting as well which was nice because there were no runners or walkers anywhere visible from where we were.  We both made sure that we crossed over the official starting point so that our chip timers would be activated and off we went!  We were talking, but it was pretty clear that he had a  much faster pace than I did so I quickly realized that I was starting off way too fast.  He was trying to be nice and stay with me till we could see the other runners but I remembered that I had forgotten to start up my Nike+  so I wished him luck and sent him on his way.  Once I made it onto the bridge overpass I was able to see the walkers so I knew that I would be fine.  I got into what felt like a decent pace and just started passing people.  First the walkers, then the jog walkers, then the joggers.  At mile four I had caught up with the 2:30 pacer.  I tried to do the math in my head and figure out my pace, but I just figured screw it and carried on still steadily passing people.  I passed the halfway point at 1:09.  I figured that I had started out at least 10 minutes late... so I figured .... pretty good if I can keep it up!  Around mile 9 I passed the 2:20 pace group and was still steadily passing people.  I never did catch the 2:10 pace group.  Probably because my official time was 2:13. My Nike+ said 2 hours even and 16 seconds.  I went back later to the start and measured in my car that I had gone exactly a quarter of a mile before I started my Nike+.  I figure I was running an 8 minute mile at the start (too fast) so it was probably about two minutes.  Anyway, the best that I figure it I finished between 2:02 at best and 2:05 at worst.  I will never know because there is no actual chip time for me.  I was THAT LATE!  Still considering that my first half marathon in October of 2010 my time was 2:49:04 and my second one 6 weeks later was 2:42:33... I am really happy with 2:05!!

But it hasn't all been running!  There was some time for Vegas! Of course... what happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas!  (Actually I just think no one can actually remember the next day...)  This is my friend Tamika!

Here are my mom and stepdad looking at the California "snow."
While it looked like snow it was actually just bubbles blown off the roof of the Americana.  I have to laugh at all the little Californian kids running around all excited about the "snow." Gotta love the So Cal weather.

Oh, and in case anyone was wondering what happened to the possessed camel, I have a little video of that.  There were two.  The first one was Collin dancing.  This one was much funnier.

Gotta love that kid.  Also, before he went to bed he asked, "Is it OK if I leave this out here?" Yeah, no one wants a stuffed animal that's eyes blaze red in the middle of the night.  Also note, the handful of stuff in his hands at the end of the video is the stuffing from the camel.  (Not the most expensive present!)

Also went to my Dad's Christmas party.  That's my sister and my daughter.  Dawn got tarps!! Super excited, can't you tell?? Nicole and the rest of us thought it was funny.

Also got to hang out with my friend Gina.  Love that girl!! Miss you already!

And got to hang out with many others but we forgot to take pictures or just didn't bother! Wish I could have gotten to everyone but I should be back again in Aprilish.  Anyway, leaving today to go back home?  I guess so!  Happy Holidays!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Nice Job if You Can Get It!

I have been back from my trip now for over a week and time seems to be flying by.  Probably because I am going to go home soon for a very long visit!!  About 6 weeks.  I am super excited about it!  Although I must say that I am a little bummed that I am going to miss the upcoming 10 mile race.  Ten miles is my favorite race distance.  It's far enough that you really feel like you did something, but not quite so far as a half where you feel like you need to keep something in reserve.  There aren't a lot of ten mile races around.  Oh well, there will be another one coming up in January.  In the meantime I have a half marathon scheduled in December.

A few days after we came back we had 5 mile race scheduled.  It was a predictor race because we had to predict our finishing time.  I had previously finished a 5 mile practice run in 48:36 at a pace of 9:38 per mile, so I gave myself a prediction time of 44:59 figuring that I could surely shave 3 minutes off that time with race conditions.  

Long story short, race day came and despite the fact that the compound we were racing at was fairly close we ended up getting quite lost and no amount of phone calls seemed to help.  Since women are not allowed to drive here, I really didn't feel all that responsible for getting us "lost." Shockingly, we actually did end up making it to the race, but only after it had already started.  I decided that it was better late than never and I stashed my stuff, did a quick bathroom trip and took off from the starting point.  I looked at one of the timers and said, "Evidently I am late."  To which he replied, "Yes you are, very late!" 

As I started to run I felt... well, a bit pissed! (that's "American" angry... not "British" drunk) Also, I was a good 4+ minutes behind and so I felt a need to catch up.  And indeed, I did start to catch up! First I passed some walkers.  Then I passed some people wearing knee braces.  Eventually I started passing up people who were just running.  Then I lapped my husband. (Ha ha... but I was still mad!) I think that might have made me speed up a bit there.  Eventually I ended up finishing with a respectable spot.  (I never did catch Tiffany... Well done!) When I checked my Nike+ for my time, I ended up finishing at about a 42:30 for a 5 mile race.  It said my pace was 8:39!  I could not believe it! I really never thought I would run anywhere in the 8's much less for 5 miles.  GO ME!!!!

This is my, "I'm still pissed off at you but I freaking rocked this one" smile.  

And, in the spirit of doing things that I never thought I would do, I have decided to go ahead and give the marathon a whirl.  We have one coming up in February.  I have just enough time to train for it.  Also, its already paid for... so may as well!  The only problem is that since it will be here, there is a very real possibility that I could very well come in last place.  But again, that is another worry for another day!

Moving on to other things.  One of the things that I love about living here is that there is just so much time to do whatever.  People often ask, well what do you do all day?  And truthfully, I do whatever tickles my fancy.  I run, I bake, I go shopping, I swim, I go to the gym, I watch movies on DVD, I blog.  You get the picture.  I do whatever strikes me as interesting at the moment.  

I'm not sure if I have mentioned it before, but everyone here seems to have a business card.  When you meet new people and make "connections," you exchange cards.  I have been asked on occasion where my "card" is, and of course, I haven't got one.  (At this point they tend to look at me with confusion.) So after much thinking about it I decided to make myself some business cards.  I figure that if I start passing these out, people will start to think that I am a bit of a loose cannon and may stop being so eager to try and find me employment. 

So here is what should probably be my current card:
 I am very good at this.  I am sure that my husband and friends here would all be excellent references for me.  I was going to say that I was a "Professional Job Avoider" but I really think that the card implies the "professional" don't you think?

Now this is not to say that I wouldn't take employment if it was something that I found to be very interesting.  Perhaps I could be a business card designer.  Clearly my work speaks for itself!  Anyway, I  do see a niche that I just may need to fix, if only I can get my hands on a bedazzler from back in the 80's.  Folks back home, please be on the lookout for one for me!  There is always ebay I suppose.
 But, until I get my hands on a bedazzler, this one will have to wait.  In the meantime, I have just come across a job that I think that I would be very good at but it just needs a touch of explanation first.

The other day we arranged a driver and went to lunch at a noodle house.  (When I say "we" arranged a driver, I mean Crystal did it.  That girl really gets things done!) Anyway, we went to lunch and on the way back she wanted to stop at Toys R Us.  I was asked if I wanted to go in since I don't have young children at home and didn't need to buy anything.  "Um, hello! It's Toys R Us! Of course I want to go in!!"  So in I went.

It started off very well and only got better.  Remember the "Slinky?"

"Slinky, Slinky a wonderful wonderful toy.  Slinky Slinky its fun for a girl or a boy!"
 Here I guess it's just called, "Metal Spring."  Which of course, is all that it actually is.  But it is made of "Real Metal!" And it is of course, "Super Action," and it "Does Tricks."  So it must be just like the real Slinky.  My sister and I had one when we were little.  That and a wooden board just entertained us for hours.  I remember this one time that Slinky got away from us on the stairs and we had to chase after it... good times. Slinky ... Come back!!!

Tiffany came across this game and she said, "Oh I just love Cluedo, do you guys have that?"  To which I replied, "Yes, but we just call it "Clue."  So now I am really not sure about anything anymore.  Maybe "Cluedo" is more fun than "Clue."  I will have to play and find out.

Anyway, the best part came when we came across the water toys.  This is where I discovered a job that I think I would be very good at.  Here is my business card:

Now, I know, you are thinking, Danielle.... What on Earth is a Woman Colorer Inner? Well it is an actual job.  Someone has to do it.  Apparently, when Saudi Arabia gets products in that have "overexposed" women advertised on the packaging, someone needs to cover them up and they do this by coloring over them.  Now, I realize this is a bit hard to believe for some of you so of course I took the pictures to prove it.  And here they are:

 I enlarged these so you can see more clearly.  Now if you look at the woman in the white shirt, apparently arms are OK, just not legs. The woman in the pink shirt must have an offensive face because someone felt the need to block it all out.  Notice, that someone else must have really wanted to see her because they have tried to scratch away the black on the face.

These were just colored over.  No real finesse to it.  I could do so much better!  Really I could!
 Now whoever colored these at least put a little more effort into it.  I love the top one. "Hey? Where did mom go?"
 If mom forgot to wear her burkini, well, you just color one on for her. Problem solved.
This one is my favorite.  The mom on the left looks completely bowlegged and the mom on the right looks like a black ghost carrying a black bone.  (Still not sure what that is...)

So, basically, I am off to the US for 6 weeks, but while I am gone, if anyone hears of a job opening up for a woman colorer inner... hook me up!! 

Phoning in the Hot Springs.

Someone has gotten lazy with the blog and I am pretty sure that it's me.  I have been back for quite some time now and I never did finish up my trip.  There was one day left so I think that I am just gonna phone this one in so that I can move on to my next blog post which has absolutely nothing to do with my trip.

So day 4 was the Hot Springs.  We stayed at the Evason Ma'In.  It was fabulous.  A very nice way to end the trip.  Here are the pics.

 The hot springs are located down in a valley and it was quite a drive to get to.  We arrived just as the sun was setting so we stopped to take a picture.
 Here is the view of the hotel from above.  It really was in the middle of nowhere.
 This is a picture of the spa from up above.
This was one of the waterfalls in the public area.  (Oh and lots of burkini's here.)

We probably arrived here at about 5ish.  There wasn't a whole lot daylight left but we did take a walk down to the public areas to use the ATM and check out the hot spring areas.  After a full morning of walking around Petra, Matt had decided that he was done walking and wanted to go hang out in the spa.  I had my eye on the gym since there hadn't been one in the Marriot the night before.  We agreed to meet up around 8ish.  Two hours later we were both much happier and ready for dinner which was delicious.

The next morning we had spa appointments at 10.  Not wanting to waste any of my time, I was up at 7 to have coffee on the balcony.  Then down to breakfast where there was a view of another waterfall.

I think this was the view straight off our balcony.
A little outdoor movie theater. 

Me walking down to the spa to get my massage. 

This is the pool at the spa.  The waterfalls were 38 degrees celsius and the pool was 42 celsius.  The little archway at the back was a natural sauna.  Nice, but you had to stand up in there.  Also I had been steamed enough at the Movenpick.

It was so nice to go from a nice relaxing massage into the nice hot pool.  Amazing. I didn't want to go but unfortunately checkout time was at noon and our flight was leaving at 4 and we still had to drive back to the airport so leave we did.  Was a lovely trip.

On the flight back there was this little girl who just kept staring at Matt the whole flight.  It was so funny.  I took her picture and I laugh every time I look at it.  It made the short flight seem just a little bit longer.  Could we possibly have been Giometti'd?? (Did I use it correctly or is it only when the airlines themselves mess up?)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


The third day of our trip was mostly spent driving.  We had breakfast at our hotel, spent a bit more time wandering the grounds and then we checked out.  At least this time we had checked our map as well as Google Maps before we set off.  I believe we had to drive about 230 kilometers.  Much of the area was very remote and we ended up quite high in the mountains.  We ended up stopping a bit to look around and check things out.  This probably was not the best use of our time but it did make things more interesting.
Here we stopped to climb a rock.  It was easy getting up.  Getting down... a little tougher.
Oh but why worry about getting down! The views were amazing!

There was even a very remote little place out in the middle of nowhere, where you could stop and get a soda or a cup of instant coffee and use the WC.  (For a price of course.) Not much to the place, but what a view! Location, location, location!
 Almost kinda like a Starbucks....
I wonder if I can get free WIFI?

Eventually, we got back into the car and continued on our way to Petra.  We finally arrived at our hotel at around a quarter to 4.  Since things currently start getting dark in Jordan at around 4:30, it did not look like we would be able to see Petra until the following morning.   No worries.  We stopped for a late lunch/dinner at a little restaurant near the entrance to the Visitors Center. A bit of driving around and then back to our hotel. I would have liked to have gone for a bit of a run but it was very dark out and cold and there was no gym at the Marriot. (We wanted to stay at the Movenpick but it was booked.) Again, early to bed and early to rise for me.  Matt ended up going down to the spa and then to the bar before bed as Jordan is not dry.  A quick breakfast (which was nothing to blog home about) and then we checked out in order to be able to spend the maximum amount of time in Petra.

Even though we got there pretty early, the crowds were already starting to gather.  We parked and headed in!
It cost 50 dinar per person to enter Petra for 1 day.  This is about $70 US.  So, worth every penny! (Or whatever coins are in Jordan.)

Ready to start walking!
 Or standing around while Matt drinks a Red Bull.  Whatever...

We walked quite a ways until we turned a corner and saw....

The Treasury! Look how huge that thing is!

I would also like to point out that I have a new respect for my little iPod because the pictures aren't half bad when you have decent lighting.  It's better with the camera obviously but the iPod is just so handy and fits so nicely in my pocket!

Now up to this point everything had been roped off so that you can't go in or look around much.  But when you go past this, it is a whole other story.  I really couldn't believe it.

Honestly, 1 day is not enough time to see everything.  We started climbing up some stairs and they just kept going on and on and on.  Every time you got to the top they just kept going higher and higher.  So much to see!
 See, Matt was there!
Not even halfway up!
 View over the side. (iPod)
Still climbing. (iPod)
 The top or "close enough."
Clearly, Matt is a little better at working the camera than I am.  I tried.  Think I will stick to my iPod.

On the way back down.  Notice that I am now sporting a pretty new necklace! Yes, there are little shops set up all along the way up to the top.  I went up with 25 dinar in my pocket and came back with 0.  But I have 2 new necklaces on and three others in my back pockets!  Neekole Peekole.... Mommy has a pretty new camel bone necklace for you!!
Me and a camel that has not yet had its bones turned into necklaces....

A last look around the bottom before we had to get going.  We could have easily spent several more hours there but our next stop was the hot springs and we had at least a 3 hour drive to get there.  We had lunch and then we were off to our next destination.  So glad that we did the Dead Sea first because it would have seemed anti-climactic after Petra.  AMAZING!! 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Dead Sea

In the past, when I have traveled with my daughter, I find that I am much more organized than when I travel with my husband.  I check everything out online and arrange airport pickups and tours and activities all in advance.  I print out all of my vouchers and have them all with me.  This way I can be assured that we will be able to get in to see such things as the Tiffany Show or the Elephant Village in Pattaya.  Of course, I always ask her first if she wants to go before I book.

Me: Hey, do you want to go to the elephant village when we are in Thailand?  It says that you can ride the elephants if you want to.

Nic: Yeah, that sounds cool. 

Me: How about the tiger zoo?  It sounds kind of similar but they have pig races, crocodiles, and tigers in addition to elephants. Also, it comes with lunch.  (note* lunch may or may not have been the aforementioned crocodiles... still not sure)

Nic: Um, ok, sure.  

Me: Well, what about drag queens?  Are you at all interested in seeing them?  It's listed as number 10 on Trip Advisor.

Nic: What?

Me: Drag queens.  It says its a "Must See!" Wanna go?

Nic: Um, ok...

And so goes the planning of the trip.  What Nicole lacks in enthusiasm, she makes up for in agreeability.  Always good fun.  (Miss you Neekole Peekole... see you soon!!)

Anyway, when I go with my husband, we tend to play it by ear.  This time, however, we may have played a little too fast and loose with the lack of planning.  As we were sitting in the car on the way to the airport it sounded a little something like this:  

Me: You know, we never did arrange for a rental car...

Matt: I'm sure that we can just get one at the airport, I mean... it's the airport!

Me:  And we have no idea how to get from the airport to anywhere that we are going... We probably should have mapquested some directions beforehand.  

Matt: It's the middle east, mapquest doesn't exactly work here. (totally true)

Me: But a general idea might have been nice...

Matt: No worries. 

Me: But that's the thing.  I'm not sure what it is, but I seem to have a germ of apprehension beavering in the pit of my stomach. (OK, so I totally stole that line but I love it and try to work it into conversations whenever possible) I'm not sure why that is...

Matt: I don't know what to tell you. 

Me:  I think I left the curling iron on. Did you happen to notice if I left the curling iron on?

And so went the conversation.  It might have been helpful had we continued on the vein of things that we may have forgotten because then we may have remembered to exchange some of our riyal for Jordanian Dinar.  We didn't.  Didn't even occur to us.  Definitely would have been helpful.  Especially for when we got to the airport and needed to pay cash for two visas into Jordan.  You know, it probably would have been helpful to have a bit more riyal on us as well especially since the ATM in the airport was broken... but, live and learn.  Anyway, between the two of us, we were able to exchange enough riyal to get the visas.  

We were also able to get a car at Avis.  Probably not the best deal in the world... or the best car, but no worries right?  So off we went in our dirty car with an empty gas tank.  And once again... we realized that we had forgotten to try the ATM on the other side of immigration.  Oops.  So between us both, we had about 40 dinar, 30 of which eventually made it into the gas tank.  (Gas is WAY more expensive in Jordan than it is in Saudi.) At least we remembered to get a map at Avis.  We also got some general directions but still got lost a couple of times on the way.  Eventually we found an ATM and our hotel and then all was right with the world.  Except that by this time it was getting dark and so the Dead Sea would need to wait until morning.  There was always the pool, but the temperature was a bit chilly.  We had dinner early and went to bed early and got up early.

The weather was a bit odd.  Nice and sunny in the morning and then rain in the afternoon. Then sun again, then clouds.  Here are the pics!

Is that a burkini?? Ha ha, no! Just a rash guard.  Nice and warm.  I am not about to post a pic of me standing on the beach in my bikini.  Not gonna happen.  Anyway, it was a bit cloudy so you really can't get the effect of the infinity pool here.  Dead Sea is behind the pool.  (There were several pools, some heated and some not.)  This pool was not heated so we decided to forget the pool and just head down to the actual beach to float in the Dead Sea.  
See, no hands and no feet! Really crazy I tell you.  Also, if you try and flip over onto your stomach, your legs automatically go up in the back.  So weird.  (Bucket list~ Check!) You are only supposed to stay in the water for 20 minutes.  After about 10 my skin started feeling very tingly.  Also the water seems really oily. But, it all rinses right off.  The water was nice and warm.
Afterwards we went over to the adult pool.  It was heated.  Quite nice. Then later we went to the spa for a salt scrub and a mud wrap.  Not sure if it helped, but it was interesting to say the least!
The second day was clearer so there was a much better view of the sea.  You don't really get the effect of the infinity pool here... but oh well.  

Also, I think that Grandma may have shown up.  I don't know who she has been with for the past few weeks but I haven't seen hide nor hair of her. But, I may have seen her after breakfast.
Now, there are no hummingbirds in the middle east, but this really looked like one and it moved like one so I looked it up and it turns out that it is something called a sunbird.  Very similar to a hummingbird.  Not sure if this counts.  Anyway, there were two of them flying around.  Hopefully it was grandma.  The Dead Sea was something to see!

A few last pictures of the Dead Sea on the way out and we were off to Petra.  Had a fabulous time!